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Movie Titles for Assholes Game

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Movie Titles for Assholes Game

ENTERTAINING: The outrageously funny adult party game of creating movie titles

COULDN’T HAVE SAID IT BETTER: If you delight in some word f*ckery, then you’ll love this game. Take a stab at creating the most absurd, outrageous, raunchy or hysterical movie titles using the cards in your hand. Take movie titles like The Curious Case of _______ or Snow White & The Seven _______ and match them up with one of your cards like Sharts, Condoms, Boner or Jerk Offs and create the nastiest or funniest movie title to win! You won’t see any of these movies on the big screen, but you’ll laugh your ass off while creating them.

ADULT GAME NIGHT FAVORITE: Don’t settle for just playing a boring board game, when you can play Movie Titles For Assholes (you don’t have to be one, but it might help!). Tap into your asshole personality and become the best filthy film namer star of the night! This is sure to be an adult game night favorite!

  • PLAYERS: 2+
  • AGE: 18+
  • CONTENTS: 220 Cards & Rules
